Excerpt from ClimaTalk:
Lacking the fanfare and media reach of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) that was held in Montreal just weeks later was a more lowkey affair. Created at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the CBD’s role is to promote sustainable development by protecting worldwide biodiversity and the ecosystem services they support. Although the complex relationships that dictate the world’s ecological balance are still far from being completely understood, the link between nature and climate has been clear for some time.
With the UNFCCC COPs steadily building on international climate policy and tackling issues related to finance and governance, the CBD COPs have taken on more importance as the awareness about the link between biodiversity and climate grows. As Zoë Quiroz Cullen, Director, Climate & Nature Linkages at Fauna & Flora International explains, “Because of the inextricable connections between climate and nature, many of the actions needed to meet the 2030 action targets around biodiversity loss, will, if implemented effectively, also work towards climate change targets".